Exterior Lighting



Keep Your Property Well Lit With Exterior Lighting

Photo luxury house at dusk in vancouver canada

Exterior Lighting

Keep Your Property Well Lit With Exterior Lighting

Whether you’re a homeowner, a business owner, or anyone else who has an outdoor space, proper exterior lighting is important. It illuminates the outside area in the dark and in poor weather conditions, helping you see where you’re going. When purchasing any kind of exterior lighting, it’s essential that you know what it is for, whether it’s for security, decoration, or outdoor activities after dark.

When it comes to installing your lighting, also consider placement. This affects what type of bulbs you need and how you plan to power them, either solar or electric. In addition, make sure the lights you opt for are weatherproof and made for outdoor use.

Photo small solar garden light lanterns in flower bed garden design solar powered lamp

Buying Solar Lights

Solar lights save you time and money during installation. It’s important you avoid installing them under trees or anywhere else they do not receive direct sunlight for six to eight hours a day. In order for these types of lights to work, they must be in the sun all day. The heat of the sun charges the batteries, and then the batteries power the solar lamps throughout the night.

Using solar lights has several advantages, including:

  • No wiring necessary
  • Little to no maintenance
  • Easy installation
  • No energy costs
  • Illumination of areas where electricity is inaccessible
Photo home security light outdoor on the corner of a stone cottage metal halide floodlight enclosure

Buying Floodlights

When it comes to safety and security, floodlights help by illuminating entries, stairways, and even the darkest of paths. These brighter devices help discourage intruders while also providing family and friends with illuminated walkways after dark.

Whether you install them yourself or hire someone to do it for you, these lights often illuminate up to 120 degrees from where they are. Floodlights should be at least 3 metres off the ground when installed and angled down slightly. Reposition them as needed for keeping the property secure or illuminating the rear garden, swimming pool, porch, or other outdoor areas after dark.

Floodlights come in different forms. Some are solar powered while others use electricity. Some also have a dusk-to-dawn option. This is where they automatically turn on when it grows dark or becomes too cloudy due to weather conditions. As soon as daylight comes, the floodlights turn off.

If you want floodlights, but prefer them to enhance the exterior design of your home, then consider the many finishes available. There are several colours and materials used that may match your current decor.

Photo night lighting path for walks in the hotel

Buying Pathway Lights

Whether you’re walking to your car after a long day at the office or making your way up to your porch, pathway lights help you clearly see each step. While illuminating the ground around you in the dark, they also add a decorative touch to the property.

In most cases, installation is a simple DIY project. Place them along each walking path sparingly so the entire path lights up as you walk along it. Other places you should consider installing them include your deck, driveway, or outside stairs.

Pathway lights have several advantages, including:

  • Making your pathways safer
  • Easy to install
  • Energy efficient
  • Typically come in low-voltage varieties for safety
Photo security consultant fitting security light to house wall

Buying Security Lights

Protecting your property means having the right kind of outdoor security lights. This type of lighting acts as a deterrent, illuminating areas where intruders might hide, helping to keep them away from your home.

Security lights come in different styles. Traditional ones feature a lantern design, seen mostly on posts and pedestals. Contemporary styles are more discreet and include several different types, including solar and flood lighting.

When looking for security lights for your home or business, the range of illumination is important, as it tells you how much of your yard the lights can brighten. The more lumens, the more area they illuminate.

Security lights come with several different features. Some have automated controls while others have motion-sensor technology. There are also options that feature colours and textures that match your home, whether you place them on your porch, on a deck, or above the garage doors.

On dark nights or cloudy days, the right exterior lighting can make you and your guests feel comfortable and safe outdoors. Find the right pathway, security, or solar lights for your needs.