Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 11 April 2024
Close To Death is book 5 in the Hawthorne and Horowitz series.
The format of this book is different from its predecessors, in that it's mostly written in the third person.
Tasked with having to write a new Hawthorne and Horowitz book, but with no new case to write about, Anthony decides to write up a case from five years previously, one to which Hawthorne and his then sidekick, John Dudley, had been called in to assist on. How hard can it be, right? Well, nothing is ever straightforward for Anthony.
I liked the new format, and I really enjoyed Close To Death. It is a typical cosy mystery that thoroughly engaged me, and kept me guessing right to the end.
Excepting Hawthorne and Horowitz, and John Dudley, none of the characters are particularly likeable. I certainly wouldn't want to live next door to any of them.
Thanks to Random House, Cornerstone and Netgalley for the digital ARC.
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