Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 12 May 2024
Very Very Lucky by Amanda Prowse 

Emma Foutain’s life has hit the full limit mark. In trying to please everyone and care for her mum. She has hit the wall. Well actually she is horizontal in a bed. Sound asleep which in itself is normal except this said bed is in the middle of the Ikea store. 

Thurston is recently widowed and all the joy and love has been drained from his daily life. He wakes and wanders his home with only the ghost of memories of his beloved wife for company. He sees no real reason to be on earth anymore.

You are in for an amazing journey with this book so get comfy and buckle up tight. 

When Emma’s and Thurstons world collide it changes the course of both their lives forever. The book is laugh out loud, tears running down your face funny one minute and then heart pulling the next with different tears. But it is not maudlin and it do not  worry like I did when you start to think that it might be too heavy and that it was going to go in a very sad direction. The equilibrium of light and heavy is perfectly balanced by Amanda Prowse.

I listened to the audiobook which was narrated by Amanda Prowse and it really added another level. I can still hear Thurston and Emma’s voices in my head.  

I bought the book for my seventy five year old neighbour. Who texted me and said she had finished the books and there were many happy tears. 

I got some much out of this book and it really lifted my own life. It made me evaluate what I was putting purpose into and what I was ignoring that really mattered. 

Everyone is in your life for a lesson, blessing or a season. 

This book will leave you changed. You will see how very very lucky we are to have the people who love us around us. Everyone’s grief is different and each person will deal with it in their own way. 

I have my grandparents, Uncle Gollan, Dawn (my friend who died too young) and most of all my baby boy Macaulay. They all left me too soon. But they all left me with  an imprint of love on my heart. Which I carry everyday. I am me because of them. 

My take away from the book was to love freely and with volume. Worry less about the crap that takes up all the space in your head. Be kind always and remember that other people have so much going on that they don’t talk about. Heavy thoughts and situations that they don’t want to share as they don’t know how others will see them. 

So make a couple of new friends today with Emma and Thurston. They will definitely imprint on on your heart and you will be changed forever in the best way possible.
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