Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 17 January 2024
Usually, with a Mark Edwards book, it's an instant 5star but for this book, I felt it lacked something that I couldn't shake. I'd put it down and come back to it the next day and not remember the last thing that happened was and ultimately have to scroll back. Basically it didn't grip my attention quite like his other words. Several of which proudly around my top shelf.

But getting that all out the way, the story itself was pretty spectacular and enjoyable, with moments of seat-gripping anxiety running through my veins. Although great concept and stuff but I would not call this book even remotely relatable nor very really at all realistic. Again though I'm very familiar with this author and have read every book. But for me it was just missing something. Maybe the lack of realism? No idea.

I still thoroughly enjoyed the book and would highly recommend to all thrilled readers.
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