Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 10 April 2024
— 5 stars

“I've come to realise I've wasted a lot of years chasing a life I thought I was supposed to have. Spent a lot of time checking off milestones I thought I was supposed to reach. Achieving goals I thought were supposed to make me feel like I'd finally accomplished something.”

📖 | 402 pages
👤 | author Elsie Silver
🏢 | publisher Piatkus
📅 | release date 9 April 2024

What you can expect:
— Adult Small Town Contemporary Romance
— Interconnected Standalone
— First Person POV
— Dual POV
— Brother's Best Friend
— Single Dad
— Billionaire Romance
— Found Family
— He Falls First
— Secret Pining
— 'Frenemies'-To-Lovers
— Forced Proximity

Wild Love is the first instalment in the interconnected Rose Hill series by author Elsie Silver. Rosie Belmont has been driving Ford Grant wild for years. The good kind of wild. The bad kind of wild. But mostly the kind of wild that comes with wanting your best friend’s little sister and knowing you can’t have her. After living in the city, Rosie comes blasting back into Rose Hill like a storm. Beautiful, messy, and chaotic. And one wide-eyed desperate plea for a job is all it takes for Ford to hire her. Forbes may have labelled Ford 'the World’s Hottest Billionaire', but all he care about is opening his new recording studio. Something that comes to a screeching halt when he finds himself face-to-face with a young girl who claims that he's her biological father. Now Ford spends his days balancing business with parenting a sullen twelve-year-old all while trying desperately to keep his hands the hell off his best friend’s little sister. Ford vow to keep Rosie at arm’s length. He tries to stick to scowls and grumpy one-liners... but with her verbal sparring is merely foreplay—friction that turns to blistering heat. Ford knows damn well he shouldn’t cross that line. But shouldn’t and can’t are two very different things. And the only thing he truly can’t do is resist her.

Queen Elsie Silver writes single dad romance books like no other. Wild Love reads like coming home, and after the success of the Chestnut Springs series I admit to being hesitant when it came to my expectations for this one. I don't know how else to explain Silver's writing other than it reads like coming home. The banter, the comfort and the sense of family are what makes these books what they are. If it wasn't for Willa and Cade's undisputable spot in first place for me, Wild Love would've claimed that spot with ease. Alas I'm loyal to Heartless for the rest of my life, so instead this book gets to share joint second place with Reckless (because I'm stubborn and refuse to put either at third place). The pacing of the storyline felt steady throughout and the book itself was binge-worthy and unputdownable. I will read anything about everything Elsie Silver will write... and you bet I'm already feral to learn more about West's story in Wild Eyes. Is it September yet?

Rosie Belmont may have to share Willa Grant's crown 'Mean Girls' style as my favourite Elsie Silver fmc. Rosie was iconic from the very beginning when she slapped away that creep's wandering hands, as awful as that situation was, and I had the best time following her journey back home in Rose Hill. Rosie's fierce and independent nature made her a fearsome adversary against the grumpy-natured Ford Grant. Her ability to take unlikely situations in her stride and make the best of her situation was one of my favourite aspects to her character. Rosie's protectiveness over Cora and the ease in-which Cora was welcomed into the fold was everything. At her core, Rosie is a caregiver and a loyal friend. Her sharp wit had me laughing from beginning to end, and I don't think readers are able to do anything other than fall in love with the firecracker that is known as Rosie Belmont.

Ford Grant Junior. World's Hottest Billionaire. I had high hopes for this man and he did not disappoint in the slightest. Beneath that scowling and grumpy façade is an unmistakeable tender, loyal and loving heart. After reeling from the shock in discovering he has a twelve-year-old biological daughter in need of help, Ford immediately recovers and steps up to do what's right. His willingness to get to know Cora and her family situation tugged at my heartstrings, and there genuinely isn't a single bad thing that I can say about this man. His love for his family and friends are apparent, and one of my favourite aspects of the story was getting to know younger Ford through Rosie's old journal entries. Getting an insight to how long Ford has pined for Rosie made that ending all the more sweet, and I'm so glad that we got to begin this new series with their journey. His filthy mouth had me blushing and swooning, and the chemistry between Ford and Rosie was explosive from the very beginning. You cannot deny the pull that they share, and as a result Ford and Rosie cement themselves as one of my all-time favourite Elsie Silver couples.

Something that I find especially special about Elsie Silver's books is the side characters that we ultimately go on to see become main characters in their own books. I fell in-love with West from his very first scene, and it was utter relief to see the non-toxic dynamic when West officially found out about Ford and Rosie's relationship. That entire scene left me elated and grinning from ear-to-ear as it all felt entirely on-brand to West's character, and I cannot begin to explain how excited I am for his own story in Wild Eyes. Willa Grant is the icon. The legend. The number one Elsie Silver woman (in my opinion), and I had the best time with her appearance over the couple of chapters that she was in. I'd been hoping for a Willa cameo prior to reading the book as I was excited to learn more about the Grant family dynamic, and it was everything I expected and hoped for. Willa's appearance complimented the story as it was presented without overshadowing any of our main characters, and I love that for her. Another character I'm very excited to learn more about is 'mountain man' Rhys. Mrs Silver... I see how you just mysteriously slotted that man into the story with no real back story. Based on the information we're presented with I can already (hopefully accurately) guess his connected to the side character who introduced him, and I cannot wait to learn more about him across future books. And finally, I can't talk about the side characters without a special mention to Cora. I loved that sassy, smart-mouthed pre-teen from her very first moment on page. Beneath all of that snarky wit was just a young girl who desperately wanted to fit in and find her feet in this new difficult phase of her life, and I felt nothing but genuine pride over her determination and resilience. Watching Cora's relationship with Ford and Rosie grow was so so special, and their family dynamic was by far my favourite of the book.

Wild Rose is worth every ounce of love, hype and praise that I have seen it receive and then some. This story just proved that we should all have faith in Elsie Silver and her ability to expand her world, and I cannot wait for the future of the Rose Hill series. An entire series dedicated to single dad mmc's? I'm sat and waiting.
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