Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 29 August 2014
Incredibly fast paced. If you like a lot of action in your military sci-fi then this is worth the money.
The action, once it starts (and that not too far into the book) just never lets up.

Good ideas about FTL travel, nice descriptions of events, characters are actually professionals rather than comic parodies or military martinettes. The combat descriptions were engaging and well described with excessive verbiage which I liked. And there was little politicking or moralising, again, good in my view.

Once I got beyond the first few pages I was hooked, I couldn't stand to have to put the book down.

I had two problems which prevent 5 stars:
Problem 1: it was so 'just-so'. No gentle ramping up of the story, they go somewhere, something happens that's is directly related to this story. Sometimes a little bit of space around events could have helped.
Problem 2: How far from Earth did they go again? On one page it was 48 light years, on another it was 45, and earlier the distance calculated as about 25 light years. It does need a little more care in the editing for this kind of anomaly.

Big question? Will I buy any more? Well, probably, I did enjoy the overall story after all.
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