Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 2 May 2015
Actual Rating: 3.5 Stars.

I did this backwards and this if the first book I read in the series. Considering it's the fourth one in the Phoenix Pack series that she's released, it actually reads quite well as a stand alone. I didn't feel like I needed to read the first three in order to truly appreciate the book, which definitely helped it's rating in my book.

Okay, let's get this started.

My mum likes to call Paranormal Romances my guilty pleasure reads. I don't. I don't see why I should feel guilty about reading something that makes me happy. This book made me happy, and I see no shame in that.

This book follows a pretty standard PNR formula: Two emotionally scarred people fall deeply in lust with each other; he's a super alpha male with a possessive nature that would result in a restraining order if he were a real person. She is a super sassy, independent woman that don't need no man, but really she does because she's just hurting inside and scared of commitment. Add into the mix the 'other woman' who's trying to cause trouble, interfering friends and family of all kinds, and a vague plot against the shifters that forces them to work together.

There's nothing new here. If you read PNR then you've seen it before. But it's books like these are the reason we read PNR. Let's be honest here; if a guy tried to pin you down and mount you all the while biting and scratching you and growing out the word 'Mine', he'd soon find himself in front of a judge being charged with all kinds of assault. But there's still that little part of you way deep down that finds it kinda hot - so we read about it instead. In the book it is part of a culture where not only is it accepted, but it's expected but, ultimately, it's not real. We're grown women (haha! yeah right) and we know this isn't healthy or acceptable, but books like these allow us to get it out of our system.

I really enjoyed this book. I couldn't put it down. The relationship between Marcus and Roni is hot. What starts out as two people looking to scratch their itch quickly develops into something more and Wright does it .. well .. right. She doesn't force their feelings on them too quickly - this isn't Insta-Love but the jealousy and emotion is correct to what you would expect to be feeling in that situation yourself. The writing might not be of the highest quality and often clichéd, but its easy to read and very fun.

This book has pretty much everything you're looking for in a PNR: action, humour, sassy banter, angst, sexual tension too thick to cut with the sharpest of knives ... definitely worth the read.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
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