Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 20 December 2023
I had such high hopes for this book and was really rooting for Yomi as I know this is her first fiction novel. Unfortunately I found myself dissappointed again and again whilst reading. It is a page turner but only because each chapter ends with a cliffhanger meaning you can't help but keep going, and the 'reveal' is left until the end which also keeps you reading. I didn't care about the characters at all, as I didn't feel like I got a chance to know them before The List dropped. We can't root for a character or couple with no real evidence of them being good people outside of a drunken night in the first chapter. I can forgive the unlikeable characters and bad writing as I feel this book is meant for an audience that wants a good plot over beautiful prose, however what was unforgiveable to me was the dangerous, apologist nature of the plot. This book is centred around the men accused of violence towards women as opposed to the women. That is not a story that needs to be told at a time when women are being abused and killed by men every day. I was very sad to understand that this was where the story was going as I felt it overpowered every feminist, liberal idea that was referenced in the book. I really don't understand why Yomi made the choice for the story to go as it did, as the initial plot really enticed me and could have been great with some tweaks e.g. The List should have been about men accused of business scandals / fraud etc, not sexual and physical violence towards women. This is not a subject to be taken lightly, and a book with such a trivial storyline should not have be written about that topic. I strongly advise any survivors of men's abuse to NOT read this book.
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