Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 29 April 2013
I truly loved the first Suzanne wright book, feral sins, in the Phoenix Pack series and gave it a five star review. this second instalment however was disappointing.
the story was ok, but the pace of the book was off. it started pretty good but ran out of steam in several places. the last book I couldn't put down it was a total page turner, this one not so much.
I liked the characters to a point, but as a couple there was something that just didn't gel for me. Dante's character seemed far more appealing in the first book than in his own story. Jamie, the female lead, also seemed like a wannabe Taryn from the first book. I don't think that the characterisation in this book was developed at all well, with only the characters from the first book being the most entertaining. evidently I fear that if I hadn't read the first book I would of perhaps enjoyed this one even less. my advise would be to read the first book before this one!
I think it would have been better if the author had done shaya and nick's story before this one so we could have been introduced to the female lead and her interactions with Dante. it would have provided more substance to their story. however, nick and shaya's story is next.
there were still some good humour in the book, but again it wasn't as funny as the first. I would have loved to have seen more of the grandmother Greta as she is truly the star in these books for me.
I will still persevere with this series as it has so much potential and the first book really was top class. i just hope that the next book is to the standard of the first. 3 stars.
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