Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 5 July 2012
For a short story, this is fairly good. Despite the low page count, the author squeezes in two concurrent narratives: a first person narrative from an oddball screenwriter summarily accused of murder, and a second person narrative from the unidentified criminal.

The plot is pacy, and centres around three primary characters who are reasonably well-rounded considered the short length of the story. The plot is gripping - this is more of a page-turner than I had, perhaps, expected.

The books claims "a breathtaking twist". There is a twist, but it isn't particularly breathtaking: with such a limited cast of characters, there's only a handful of ways the plot could play out. More than this, the ending is disappointingly abrupt, with no further explanation or exploration of the final revelation.

Essentially, the main bulk of this story is actually pretty good, but the ending is disappointing. I would've happily swapped the brevity for more detailed character development and a better developed ending. Having said that, it was more than worth the few pennies I paid for it.

I've wavered for some time over whether this deserves 3 or 4 stars - I've plumped for 3 in the end, but it's certainly at the upper end of that rating.
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