Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 7 July 2012
This book has everything a romance/paranromal reader would want. It has two amazing characts with steamy tension between them. Their personalities dit with their alpha statuses. Also, the world the author has created is greaaat. I love that they have an inner wolf.

This book has some amazing scenes which make you look crazy on a bus when youre crying with laughter. The things she saya to his grandmother are hilarious!

Oh and the sex scenes are soooo damn hot! XD

The lengh of the book is perfect, and allows for the two main characters to struggle through obstacles and fall in love more and more.

Personally ther reason why i like this book so much is because of the personalities the author has created. In the 3 books she has written these have been what has made the books so memorable and brilliant. Ive spent the last couple weeks after reading this book, stopping myself reading it again too soon. My fingers are itching to pick it up again. So glad i bought this book, as well as the two hours.

Definatley worth the money!!!! I would have paid the full price, even a ridiculous hardback price for them. Sooo good! I hooe she writes many more.
Especially since this book is about wolfs then theres one on vampires, then on humans. Such a talented author!!!
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