Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 17 April 2024
Anna is by far my favourite Walsh sister and i loved ''Is There Any One Out There'' having read it countless times. I'd often wondered about Anna, who she ended up with and hoped she had her happy ending as hinted at in the first book.
Anna is now home in Ireland, burnt out from her high profile job and has split up with Angelo, she has no children and is knocking on the door of 50 - the novel ends with her 50th birthday. She doesnt really see anything of Aiden's family any more ( theres no mention of Janie and Little jack, i wonder what happened to them?) and her friendship with Jacqui has fallen by the wayside. She ends up in a small village helping her sisters friends with the opening of a holiday retreat. This is also where we get reintroduced with Narky Joey.
Im not sure i like the new Anna as much as the old one. I know i got fed up with her moaning about her menopausal symptoms and her need for HRT every few pages. The villagers were one dimensional and i wasnt really interested in then, i wanted to know about Anna and how she felt. The Walsh family, well what was amusing in the first book just fell flat in this book. There was no hint of any spark in the previous book between Joey and Anna and i found it difficult to get my head round. The coincidences are also too much - every one is in New York, but then every one all lives in Ireland.
I have really enjoyed Marian Keyes' earlier novels but i do think she has lost her way with her last few. The blurb says its hilarious, but i didnt raise a smile once. I just thought parts of it were cliched and not very believable.
I liked the novel but i didnt love it. I think 3 stars is a fair number to give.
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