Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 14 April 2024
I waited a year for the (Kindle) book and devoured it in the span of two days. I was ecstatic to finally have it available.

At first, from thoroughly enjoying the previous written books in the series over multiple rereads, I was eager to have another one in the same style and charm as what I'd read so far, fresh. I was then a bit disappointed at the beginning at the alternate format, but quickly, I was drawn in by the colour and atmosphere of the neighbourhood, my opinions transformed by the intriguing and unusual mystery. Right down to the last detail, the characters all had their moments in the suspect's seat. I kept guessing and guessing, and the ending went beyond the thrilling feeling of a regular locked murder mystery, turning my expectations upside down. My prediction was not much better than Horowitz's. I am glad Damien got off safe by the end of the book.

I did receive the breadcrumbs to Hawthorne's mysterious background I'd been so impatient for, though maybe not as much as Horowitz was. His stalking was commendable but had me on the edge of my seat about repercussions from Hawthorne - which did not really come, but that was possibly colder than if they'd argued. I find their dynamics really entertaining and this book delivered. The similarity between his appearance and Dudley's said something quite interesting. And Hawthorne said really great things about him to Dudley, really? Startling to read.

In the end, the format of chapters and time between the past and modern times felt really fresh, a twist to the sequence. It grew on me big-time and did not feel like a slog for me like I'd thought it might at first. The balance of action, information and character relationships was not something I can fault - it read quite well for me.

The only complaint I have is not knowing what comes next now between Hawthorne and Horowitz. I hope the time flies quickly.
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