Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 10 June 2023
— 5 never-ending stars

"The very last thing I need in my life is someone who makes me feel like there’s not enough oxygen in my lungs when I’ve only just caught my breath."

📖 | 404 pages
👤 | author Elsie Silver
🏢 | publisher Piatkus
📅 | release date 09 June 2023

What you can expect:

• Reverse grumpy | sunshine
• Accidental pregnancy
• Single parent
• One night stand
• He falls first
• Reformed playboy
• Dual POV
• Small-town romance
• Cowboy romance

Trigger warnings: this book contains discussions surrounding miscarriage and fertility issues.

Reckless is book four is the Chestnut Springs series by author Elsie Silver. Reckless gives us the story of Winter, the older sister of Summer who is the main character in book one, Flawless. Winter has lived up to her namesake with her appearances throughout this series. She is a frosty, closed-off person who is determined to protect herself. Winter is very reluctant to let anybody get emotionally close, having been let down time and time again by the people in her life. Her mother views her only daughter as a step-up for her status in her society. Her father is estranged in her life and has shown preference to Summer. Her husband, a man she once truly loved, took advantage of her sister Summer from a young-age and groomed her into having a secret sexual relationship. Suddenly everything superficial in her life that seemed important no longer was. After three books relaying the snippets of Winter's story, I truly cheered when she finally walked out of slimy Rob's life. Feeling equally emboldened and terrified over what the future holds after feeling trapped in a toxic marriage, Winter sets off to Chestnut Springs in the hopes of reconciling with her sister.

Enter Theo Silva. A man that exudes sexual confidence from the start, and the type of man Winter should have zero interest in. With his constant smirk and unlaced boots, Theo is the opposite of the hair-slicked-back, suit-wearing men that she tends to go for. And yet... that could be exactly what Winter needs to get back out there. One thing I loved about Theo immediately was that despite his playful personality and sexual innuendos, you immediately get the impression he's a good man. A well-intentioned man. Theo sets his sights on Winter from the very beginning, and is taken by her feisty attitude from the get-go. He's smitten with her bark and bite attitude, and yet manages to see right though Winter's icy exterior. He recognises Winter for who she is, and not once does he ever try to change her. Instead he stands by Winter's side as she slowly grows past her insecurities and doubts. It's a slow moving process, however Theo remains patient and understanding.

So... how do those stories go, again? A man and a women meet at a gas station and have a battle of wits outside of the women's father-in-law's home. One thing leads to tequila, and another leads to an agreement on a coaster for a no-strings-attached, one night stand.

Too bad "protection fails, fall pregnant with a stranger's baby" wasn't part of the agreement.

I'll be the first to admit, when Elsie Silver announced that book four was going to be centred around Winter and not the third Eaton brother, Beau, I was disappointed. Having been a consistent character from book one that I adored, I've been so excited to read Beau's story. If you're reading my review with the same thought process, I'm here to ease your mind. Reckless was everything I needed and more. I really wasn't a fan of Winter at the beginning of this series, however as more of her story has emerged I really began to sympathise with her as a character. Having finished Reckless, Elsie Silver has somehow managed to solidify Winter as one of my top two-favourite MCs that she's ever written. Winter is brash and quick to react negatively. She's insecure and hot-headed. Winter is flawed. She's real. I never expected to connect with Winter as intimately as I have. Deeply-rooted is just a hurt woman that is desperate to be loved, and to have the family she always dreamed of having. I appreciated that despite the Eaton and co. rallying behind Winter as a single mother, we still see her very real and authentic struggles.

Wheeeeew Theo Silva truly knows how to make a woman swoon. This man had the best lines. His sharp wit and cheeky banter pulled me in, however it was his unwavering loyalty that solidified him as Elsie Silver book husband number one for me. After a misunderstanding between himself and Winter that makes sense once you've read the book, I had a lot of respect for Theo's willingness to jump right into parenthood with the sweet Vivi, whilst being able to recognise and respect Winter's boundaries. It took a bit of time and work on both sides, however Winter and Theo manage to fall into a comfortable co-parenting routine. Theo and Vivi's relationship was the sweetest thing ever, and watching Winter and Theo become a solid co-parenting pair was a beautiful development to read. I also want to point out that I love the fact that as amazing as Theo is... he's not made out to be perfect. He's a human-being that can say the wrong thing and/or react in the wrong way. Even good people make mistakes, and that's real. Theo and Winter's connection was so genuine, and just understand one another on a fundamentally deep level. They are such a perfect pairing.

I could keep going. I want to keep going. But I have to reign myself in here so to summarise: 5 star read, no doubt about it. Winter has my favourite personal development storyline to date. You can truly recognise the time and care that Elsie Silver put into Winter and it paid off. Theo Silva is the ultimate book boyfriend, book husband, baby-daddy and just all around daddy. This book is a must-read. This whole series is a must read.

Sign me up immediately for book five, Hopeless, which will follow the story of Beau Eaton.
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5.0 out of 5 stars 🌺 Elsie Silver is a must-buy author 🌺
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 10 June 2023
— 5 never-ending stars

"The very last thing I need in my life is someone who makes me feel like there’s not enough oxygen in my lungs when I’ve only just caught my breath."

📖 | 404 pages
👤 | author Elsie Silver
🏢 | publisher Piatkus
📅 | release date 09 June 2023

What you can expect:

• Reverse grumpy | sunshine
• Accidental pregnancy
• Single parent
• One night stand
• He falls first
• Reformed playboy
• Dual POV
• Small-town romance
• Cowboy romance

Trigger warnings: this book contains discussions surrounding miscarriage and fertility issues.

Reckless is book four is the Chestnut Springs series by author Elsie Silver. Reckless gives us the story of Winter, the older sister of Summer who is the main character in book one, Flawless. Winter has lived up to her namesake with her appearances throughout this series. She is a frosty, closed-off person who is determined to protect herself. Winter is very reluctant to let anybody get emotionally close, having been let down time and time again by the people in her life. Her mother views her only daughter as a step-up for her status in her society. Her father is estranged in her life and has shown preference to Summer. Her husband, a man she once truly loved, took advantage of her sister Summer from a young-age and groomed her into having a secret sexual relationship. Suddenly everything superficial in her life that seemed important no longer was. After three books relaying the snippets of Winter's story, I truly cheered when she finally walked out of slimy Rob's life. Feeling equally emboldened and terrified over what the future holds after feeling trapped in a toxic marriage, Winter sets off to Chestnut Springs in the hopes of reconciling with her sister.

Enter Theo Silva. A man that exudes sexual confidence from the start, and the type of man Winter should have zero interest in. With his constant smirk and unlaced boots, Theo is the opposite of the hair-slicked-back, suit-wearing men that she tends to go for. And yet... that could be exactly what Winter needs to get back out there. One thing I loved about Theo immediately was that despite his playful personality and sexual innuendos, you immediately get the impression he's a good man. A well-intentioned man. Theo sets his sights on Winter from the very beginning, and is taken by her feisty attitude from the get-go. He's smitten with her bark and bite attitude, and yet manages to see right though Winter's icy exterior. He recognises Winter for who she is, and not once does he ever try to change her. Instead he stands by Winter's side as she slowly grows past her insecurities and doubts. It's a slow moving process, however Theo remains patient and understanding.

So... how do those stories go, again? A man and a women meet at a gas station and have a battle of wits outside of the women's father-in-law's home. One thing leads to tequila, and another leads to an agreement on a coaster for a no-strings-attached, one night stand.

Too bad "protection fails, fall pregnant with a stranger's baby" wasn't part of the agreement.

I'll be the first to admit, when Elsie Silver announced that book four was going to be centred around Winter and not the third Eaton brother, Beau, I was disappointed. Having been a consistent character from book one that I adored, I've been so excited to read Beau's story. If you're reading my review with the same thought process, I'm here to ease your mind. Reckless was everything I needed and more. I really wasn't a fan of Winter at the beginning of this series, however as more of her story has emerged I really began to sympathise with her as a character. Having finished Reckless, Elsie Silver has somehow managed to solidify Winter as one of my top two-favourite MCs that she's ever written. Winter is brash and quick to react negatively. She's insecure and hot-headed. Winter is flawed. She's real. I never expected to connect with Winter as intimately as I have. Deeply-rooted is just a hurt woman that is desperate to be loved, and to have the family she always dreamed of having. I appreciated that despite the Eaton and co. rallying behind Winter as a single mother, we still see her very real and authentic struggles.

Wheeeeew Theo Silva truly knows how to make a woman swoon. This man had the best lines. His sharp wit and cheeky banter pulled me in, however it was his unwavering loyalty that solidified him as Elsie Silver book husband number one for me. After a misunderstanding between himself and Winter that makes sense once you've read the book, I had a lot of respect for Theo's willingness to jump right into parenthood with the sweet Vivi, whilst being able to recognise and respect Winter's boundaries. It took a bit of time and work on both sides, however Winter and Theo manage to fall into a comfortable co-parenting routine. Theo and Vivi's relationship was the sweetest thing ever, and watching Winter and Theo become a solid co-parenting pair was a beautiful development to read. I also want to point out that I love the fact that as amazing as Theo is... he's not made out to be perfect. He's a human-being that can say the wrong thing and/or react in the wrong way. Even good people make mistakes, and that's real. Theo and Winter's connection was so genuine, and just understand one another on a fundamentally deep level. They are such a perfect pairing.

I could keep going. I want to keep going. But I have to reign myself in here so to summarise: 5 star read, no doubt about it. Winter has my favourite personal development storyline to date. You can truly recognise the time and care that Elsie Silver put into Winter and it paid off. Theo Silva is the ultimate book boyfriend, book husband, baby-daddy and just all around daddy. This book is a must-read. This whole series is a must read.

Sign me up immediately for book five, Hopeless, which will follow the story of Beau Eaton.
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