Customer Review

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 7 September 2023
Reckless starts with Winter and Rob having a discussion. He is as vile as ever and she’s showing him that she sees him for who he really is.

— “For what you’ve done to me? I am indifferent to you. For what you’ve done to her? I hate you. I wouldn’t have touched you with a one-million-foot pole if it’d realized how ur type of man you really are. Fool me once, never again. That’s the new saying.” —

I loved seeing winter putting Rob in his place.

— “I don’t deserve Summer. But I want to. And that comes with being honest.” —

In the beginning Winter feels as if she doesn’t deserve to have a relationship with her sister after everything they’ve been through is just so sad to see. Because on the other hand we already know that Summer is yearning to have that sisterly bond with winter.

“Because the very last thing I need in my life is someone who makes me feel like there’s not enough oxygen in my lungs when I’ve only just caught my breath.” — Winter on first setting eyes on Theo.

The instant connection between Theo and Winter is undeniable. They have a certain chemistry, it’s flirty, playful and partly insulting. I love it. While Theo definitely comes across as a cheeky guy, he shows that he has a caring side. Especially when he offers to take Winter home. Which she refuses, so he offers for her to follow him back. He knows that she’s terrified of the roads—with it being dark and snowy—so it’s his way of making sure that she’s okay and safe.

Theo wants to be taken seriously. In his career goals and relationship wise. He wants to make his dad proud and follow in his and his mentor—Rhett’s—footsteps. People see him as a child, as if he is too young to do or know things. He wants to be respected, which I can understand because age doesn’t determine how wise a person or how successful they can be.

— “I don’t want to be the butt end of a joke or seen as the child who never grows up. I want to chase my dreams and prove to myself I can do the things I set my mind to.” —

Witnessing Summer and Winter finally getting closer to having the relationship that they both deserve is so heartwarming. After them both yearning to be real sisters they get to have it. Summer was there for Winter during her pregnancy when she didn’t have anyone else and I’m so happy for the two for them, knowing that it’s what they both want.

A scene that will gutt me forever is the way that Theo breaks down and unravels when he finds out he has a daughter and missed the first nine months of her life, is so heartbreaking. I felt so sad for him; it had me crying.

— “Hi, baby girl,” he murmured. “It’s so nice to meet you.” —

Winter feels as if she doesn’t deserve the help she’s getting. Especially when it comes to Theo. She didn’t expect him to be so kind to her after everything or him to defend her. He’s great with Vivi and does everything perfect, I feel as if she might be a bit annoyed at the fact he is coming into the role of a father so sleamlessly. And although Theo is still coming to terms with the reality of being a dad , he’s doing his best. He may be freaking out on the inside but he’s trying to be there for both Winter and his daughter.

Theo isn’t hiding the fact that he is still attracted to Winter or that he wants her either. Yet Winter doesn’t fully acknowledge that, she doesn’t believe that Theo would want her other than being the mother of his child.

One of my favourite part in this book is seeing the sisters reconcile their relationship even more. They’re both beginning to heal from the past and it’s so lovely to see, I was crying along with them. Winter gets a chance to explain her side and the reasons for her behaviour towards Summer. And Summer instantly accepts her sister more. They both comfort each other and I love that they’re both finally getting a chance to develop an actual friendship as well as a sisterly relationship.

For a while you see how Winter’s relationship with the men in her life in her past had such a big effect on her; she is so self conscious, that no matter how many times and how plainly Theo explains to her that he wants her, Winter still believes that she’s unwanted. I can honestly resonate with that part of her a lot.

“Being loved is uncomfortable for her. God, I want to change that, but she'll be the one to tell me when the time is right. I have it in my head that after spending her life behaving in a way that suits everyone around her, she might need a minute to figure out what suits her.”

This just perfectly described Winter. I liked how Theo notices this too instead of pushing her into something, he’s giving her time to realise what she wants and to adjust to it rather than forcing something into her when she might not be ready, he doesn’t want to overwhelm her.

Slowly, slowly, Winter began to realise that Theo wants her. That he isn’t just there because she’s the mother of his child or because he wants something from her. He’s there because he likes her and wants her. And even though she may be starting to return these feeling, she is still reluctant. It’s partly due to the fact that she struggles to comprehend how someone could want her—because she believes herself to be unlovable—but mostly because she has been the victim of two parents hating each other, of their betrayal and she’s doesn’t ever want to subject her daughter to the same fate.
Winter still needs a lot of convincing that she’s wanted, worthy and enough.

When once again Theo defends Winter, this time to her father. He asked her if he went too far, but she responds with “you were what I’ve always needed but never had.”

I can not emphasise this enough, this girl deserves the world, and I can’t wait for Theo silva to give it to her. The way that she has constantly been put down, had little to no confidence and believed that she doesn’t deserve love. But now she’s finally getting it from someone she never expected to. She’s shown her kindness from the moment they met and with each interaction Theo is building Winter up, allowing her to realise that she can have everything she’s has always wanted.

It’s shown a lot how Winter is the insecure one but yet we get a glimpse into how Theo feels insecure, about if the circumstances where different would Winter still want him and he sometimes questions if he’s good enough for her because he doesn’t have a university education behind him. I think this was a good balance; that a man can still experience insecurity in a relationship and that it’s nothing bad.

So, I think that when Theo realises that Winter may not out right say ‘I love you’ but she in fact expresses her love in other ways, reassures him. Winter shows Theo she understands he needs to accomplish his own dreams, that she’s support him in following them and be by his side while he does. These small actions and little words prove to him that she cares and loves him even if she hasn’t actually said the words yet.

Also, I love that Wibter was able to build a relationship with Theo’s mum - Loretta. She was able to get that motherly bond she’s desired from her own mum but never got, from Loretta.

— “She feels like the mom i should have had.” —

Winter finally comes to realise that she can lean on others and feeling safe in the fact that she can ask for support without feeling like a burden to those closest to her.

— “I don’t want to do any of it alone. I don’t need to do it alone because, for the first time in my life, I have people who want to be there with me.” —

Winter showing up at Theo’s hotel room is probably the biggest show of her development. It’s a sign of her commitment. She’s matured enough now to not get scared off at the smaller sign of conflict instead she’s now fighting for Theo and showing him that she wants him too just like he’s showed her.

Finally, I was very surprised to instantly like Winter. I thought it might take me a couple of chapters to change my mind about her—considering that I did not really like her in ‘Flawless’—but I fell in love with her from chapter one. She’s fiery. Outspoken. But also afraid and yet so desperate to mend the rift between herself and her sister. I love how she defended Summer to Rob and continually put the disgusting man in his place. And I was rooting for her happy ending from the first page.

Both Winter and Theo did a lot of growing up during their story, they realised what they both wanted and worked together supported each other through it all. It was a true show of growth from both sides. Their love for one another and Vivi stood tall throughout all the ups and downs; it was lovely to see them get their happily ever after.
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